Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Some of the useful profiles in Order Management

OM: Show Line Details
This profile option determines whether the line details of a model are displayed in the Sales Orders window. You can also toggle the display of line details using the Tools menu from the Sales Orders window.

OM: Sales Order Form: Refresh Method (Query Coordination)
This profile option determines whether the screen is refreshed after every save. There are four options available:
• Automatic Refresh with Repositioning of Cursor: When the profile is set to this option then screen is refreshed and also the cursor is repositioned to the original line from which the save operation was performed.
• Automatic Refresh Without Repositioning Of Cursor: When the profile is set to this option then screen is refreshed and the cursor is always positioned on the first line.
• Manual: With this option, users have to explicitly requery to see the latest changes. User are also not prompted with a message.
• Askme: A dialog box is prompted for the users to decide whether they want to refresh the screen to see the new data. If the user selects yes, then the screen is refreshed. If the user selects No then screen is not refreshed.
OM: Prevent Booking for Line Generic Holds
If a generic hold has been applied the transaction will fail booking.
OM: Enforce Check For Duplicate Purchase Order
When this profile option is set to Yes or is blank, a check will be made to verify if the entered PO number is duplicate or not. It will display a warning if a duplicate number is found. When the profile option is set to No, a check to verify for duplicate PO number will not be carried out.

OM: E-Mail Required on New Customers
This profile option determines whether the field E-mail address is required for any customer or customer contact you define within Order Management. Select from:
• Yes: E-mail address is required, for both the customer and customer contact, when defining or updating a customer or customer contact.
• No or NULL (the default): E-mail address is not required when defining or updating either a customer or customer contact.

OM: Display Actions Button vs. Poplist

Controls whether the traditional button for Actions or a pop list will be used to display available Actions. Valid values are: Button and Pop list. The default value will be Button for backward compatibility.

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