Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Back end table information for Processing Constraintsin Order Management

OE_PC_ASSIGNMENTS This table stores the responsibilities that are constrained by the constraint identified by constraint_id.

OE_PC_CONDITIONS This table stores the conditions associated with the constraints identified by constraint_id.

OE_PC_CONDITIONS_TL This table stores the translated conditions associated with the constraints identified by constraint_id.

OE_PC_CONSTRAINTS - This table stores the constraints that prevent create/update/delete of order entities.

OE_PC_EXCLUSIONS - This table stores the responsibilities that are not constrained by a particular constraint.

OE_PC_RSETS - This table store the constraint record sets and the constraint conditions can be built to validate against any or all the records in this record set.

OE_PC_RSETS_TL - OE_PC_RSETS_TL stores the translated columns for record sets for constraints.

OE_PC_RSET_SEL_COLS - This table stores columns to be matched for a constraint record set.

OE_PC_VALIDATION_PKGS - This table stores the names of the dynamically generated constraints validation packages.

OE_PC_VTMPLTS - This table stores the constraint validation templates that are used in constraint conditions.

OE_PC_VTMPLTS_TL - OE_PC_VTMPLTS_TL stores the translated columns for validation templates for constraints.

OE_PC_VTMPLT_COLS - This table stores the attribute validation pairs for validation templates that are based on column values.

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